It has been so long i did not write. And sorry, i have to write in english. The urge comes that i have to brush up my english. Firstly, please apologize if my language, when i write later does not really meet the standard of proper language. It may have gramatical error here n there but I am learning.
Ok, let's skip the long introductory part.
My heart is constantly thinking that i need to write. This time not a writing like any other blogs talking about life, family, and activities. I have to write on what my heart yells or pour my heart out. Let my mind wanders. It may be a family issues, a marital issues, maybe a bit of political story or anything it deem fit! hahhahaahah.
But mind you, I am not a highly educated person. Just a humble, leading a low life person. And please don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading other blogs too. Happy for them. And love this one blog azie kitchen. She wrote in a manner that shows she isn't hypocrite. She loves to share her knowledge before continuing with her recipes, she talks her mind out. And i believe millions of people read her blog think the same thing as i am.
So, to start my blog afresh, let me start a story which lingers in my mind for quite sometimes.
Poligamy issue! (it may sound sensitive to some but believe me, am on the women side)
A few weeks ago, somebody in my family passed way peacefully. (better not name who died coz it may hurt with this whole story).
A story came after that. Arwah had 7 children of which 5 of them are male. Out of 5, 4 have practiced poligamy. That is all right. However during that sad moment, one of her son has to bring back his two wives for the ones dying was mother-in-law to them aka an aunt too to one of his wife. So, both wives met and of course a situation of dissatisfaction overwhelmed, during and after the funeral. I might say, if not controlled they might ended up wrestling in the field we called cemetery!
And that is the a bit of a whole story. And for me, the real story came up on a night before the tahlil.
I entered a room for a maghrib prayer and there sat a few relatives, older women in a group. My prayer i would say a bit distracted. After the prayer, i know their real discussion was actually about these two women having a fight during their mother-in-law's funeral.
If I am not mistaken they were condemning one after another of these two "madus". With their so-called advice and how inappropriate they behaved. Since i know each and every one of them, I was wondering if they were qualified in giving advice. A group of women which i have known for years consist of a woman who had been married for 4-5 times (leader). God knows what's the problem. Then an older woman who has been poligamized by her husband for so many years ago, and upon knowing the fact that she has a madu, she has isolated her husband (not to mention in details) for so many years too. Which i think with life like that she should ended up herself as a divorcee but she is not. And the third one is a younger woman, maybe my age. She used to be a second wife and after getting married, she forced the husband to divorce the first wife ( i know her too) who approved their marriage and did not bug the second marriage at all. Oh my god! What i think was these women will actually shed their husband's bodies into pieces if they were in this madus shoes.
Didn't any of them think the responsibility of a husband when he practiced poligamy?
Lets cut my story short, as far as i know, the husband of these two madus is not fair at all in handling their marriage. i pity them both, a victim of a husband's doing. Poligami adalah perkara halal yang amat pahit diterima oleh wanita. Berdosa menghalang poligami tetapi mampukah si suami berlaku adil jika mahu berpoligami? Wallahualam.
Allah berfirman:
“Dan kamu sekali-kali tidak akan dapat berlaku adil di antara isteri-isteri (mu), walaupun kamu sangat ingin berbuat demikian, karena itu janganlah kamu terlalu cenderung (kepada yang kamu cintai), sehingga kamu biarkan yang lain terkatung-katung..” (An-Nisa’: 129)
Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
“Barangsiapa yang mempunnyai dua isteri, kemudian lebih mencintai kepada salah satu di antara keduanya maka ia datang pada hari kiamat sedangkan tubuhnya miring sebelah. ” (HR. Al Khamsah)
Hi Yuza, I chanced upon your blog and enjoyed reading your interesting post.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, this coming to you from Canada. My name is Lee.
I too have posted an almost similar cherita like yours....sometime back.
I have a blog, but its strictly private only for invited old blog was 'A Moonlight Rendezvous'....which I have recently tutup kedai. ( You can check that out.
Should you be interested being invited to my blog baru, assure you, you won't be disappointed...will make lots of new friends, 96% all Malay friends too...
You can leave your email, must be GMAIL at my old blog.
I will note it down, but will not publish...and will respond asap, with my invitation via Google.
Until then, here's wishing you the very best of seasons greetings, from Canada.
You keep a song in your heart and have a happy holiday.
Best regards.